Thank you for the answer!
And all the advices..
Our file was almost lost, not becouse of the post office, my husbund kept on track the file after the numeber what Canada post office gave him, no problem with that. Our file got at Mississagua office on 20 July,so we waited for months to have their approval letter, after almost 3 months we got worried and then my husbund called Mississagua office asking about our status. Their answer to my husbund was: "You are not in the sistem which is not normal after almost three months, and we don't know why..." Then my husbund said: "My file has to be in your office becouse I have the proff from Canada post that you received the file on 20 July...." Then the clerk said " Mr I will take note about all this and if you don't have news in a week call us back ..."
We waited and my husbund called again Mississagua and he get the folloing answer: "Mr we found your file, we sorry, that happend becouse of the Canada post strike which took place for more than a month or so..."
Now our file was found, we waited then for the approval letter.
The approval letter came on 14 November (here the delay was from our fault, I forgot to sign two papers and when that happens the whole package is returned) in which they were saying " Mr you are accepted as a sponsor of your wife and your file will be send at Bucharest...."
Now we have the letter and now we can apply for the certificat de selection de Quebec, which my husbund get it on 2 December.
From then of course I wrote an email to the Canadian Embassy in Bucharest twice, after the winter holidays and each time they responded me "...your husbund file didn't reach our office yet...."
Worries grows up!
"Why? I don't understand our file was send to Bucharest on 14 November recording their letter..."My husbund called again Mississagua office and they couldn't give him a full answer concerning our file: "Mr we don't know for sure if your file has been sent already in Bucharest, the delay is not normal, I will take note of that and I will make sure that your file is send immediately with the priority of beeing processed..."
E-cas status shows: --We recieved your application on 21 July--
--We start processing your file on 12 October--
--We send you a letter about the decision made on 8 November--
--Please consider the delays in the mail delivery before contact us--
Now I am waiting for news, and it's taking so long...or maybe only for me it seems long becouse I am here without my husbund, and it's not easy at all, even I saw him for Christmas.
Now I think I have to wait for the AOR from Bucharest, hope to recive it soon, becouse I have a few papers to send again, my legalized copie of my new passport (I had a temporarry one so I had to change it) and my legalized copie of my birth certificate which I forgot to add it in the first place, I realized that later on after reading once again with my husbund the check list...
Thank you again for all the advices, I will follow them and I will load my self with tones of patience....
