Nairobi's office is very slow, and a lot of spouses get refused. My husband is from Nigeria, and so his application went through Accra, Ghana, which is also extremely slow.
Now I wish we had done this: My husband and I got tired of waiting and being apart, so he and I moved to another country - Malaysia, in our case. He has been admitted to Malaysia legally for a year, so that means we could have done our application through the Malaysia office, which is a lot faster and the refusal rate is lower.
We submitted his application in January 2008. If, instead, we had gone to Malaysia then and submitted it there, it would be done by now. Even if he was rejected, the appeal would be over by now too. Instead, we are still waiting.
If you can, go to another country with a short waiting time on average, get admitted for a year - study visa, maybe -and apply through there. Your spouse can come visit you there while you wait at least as easily as visiting you in Kenya.
I know not everyone could do this, but I sure wish my husband and I had. It would have been cheaper, too.