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Anyone know if your credit rating is passed over fron UK to Canada?


Oct 8, 2008
Just wondering if anyone who's emigrated from the UK can tell me if for definite (as I've heard a few different theories now!); do you keep your UK credit rating when emigrating or start a new credit file.

I'm a long term student, so could have been a little bit more careful with paying bills on time in the past lol!

I have dual nationality but have not been actually resident in Canada since being a baby if that helps.

Thanks for any advice. x x


Hero Member
Aug 17, 2009
Job Offer........
When I opened a bank account in Canada they performed a credit check and there was nothing at all. I was told I have no credit rating there yet. For a mortgage with a big deposit and job I have been told (although I have not looked into this any further) that a copy of my credit history can be submitted but that I will need to supply it from the UK. Apparently the credit history does not follow you. That said, debts will follow under particular legislation so whilst late payment will be easier to overcome, non-payment will not.