Can you answer the following questions?
1. Kid below 14 years old need to submit school report card? Or this requirement only for 14+ years old? The school report card must have kid's picture on it? My kid's school report cart has not picture, what to do?
2. Some people said it is required to submit birth certificate for minor application, but I did not see this requirement in the minor application form.
3. In the minor form 9D, it asks if kid's passport has a gap in time in valid period of passport. I am not sure where is the question from and why asks for it. You do not need a valid passport if you do not plant to travel outside of Canada. My kid has 3 months gap, it is ok to explain that we initially has no plan to travel so we let kid passport expire, but later we did want to travel, so we renew kid passport and there is a 3 months gap, etc. It is acceptable?
4. Why in Minor and adult citizen application form, UCI was not filled by applicants, instead it is expected to be filled by officer, as UCI is located in the area for official use only.
1. Kid below 14 years old need to submit school report card? Or this requirement only for 14+ years old? The school report card must have kid's picture on it? My kid's school report cart has not picture, what to do?
2. Some people said it is required to submit birth certificate for minor application, but I did not see this requirement in the minor application form.
3. In the minor form 9D, it asks if kid's passport has a gap in time in valid period of passport. I am not sure where is the question from and why asks for it. You do not need a valid passport if you do not plant to travel outside of Canada. My kid has 3 months gap, it is ok to explain that we initially has no plan to travel so we let kid passport expire, but later we did want to travel, so we renew kid passport and there is a 3 months gap, etc. It is acceptable?
4. Why in Minor and adult citizen application form, UCI was not filled by applicants, instead it is expected to be filled by officer, as UCI is located in the area for official use only.