I just got my Permenant Resident status in Canada. My wife is MD in anatomical pathologist in India and working as professional. I would like to know what will be the procedure for her to immigrate and work in Canada.
Thank you.
I just got my Permenant Resident status in Canada. My wife is MD in anatomical pathologist in India and working as professional. I would like to know what will be the procedure for her to immigrate and work in Canada.
Thank you.
Assuming you included her in your PR application as a non-accompanying spouse, the easiest way is for you to sponsor her for PR through spousal sponsorship. Processing will take around a year.
She will need to go through a certification process in order to work as a doctor in Canada. This process typically takes a few years to complete.
Hate to break the bad news but she will have to pass he licensing exam and then try to find a residency spot so she can repeat her residency. It is extremely hard to get any residency spots as an IMG but especially in a specialty. Less than 1% of IMGs in Canada are actually able to practice in Canada and most are limited to family medicine.