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Am I A Citizen?


Aug 15, 2018
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping you can help me. I'm 99% sure that I'm a Canadian citizen and I plan to send in for a citizenship certificate very soon.

I was born in the USA in 1988. My father was born in Ontario, Canada (therefore a natural born citizen). However, he left Canada when he was 1 and a half (as he says, he "crawled" out of Canada). So he never really lived there.

On the application form for the citizenship certificate, it asks if he left Canada for more than 1 year before 1977. The answer to this is yes, so of course I will fill in the dates accurately. But why do they ask this? Will they see that he never really lived there and decide that I don't qualify based on that?

Thank you for any input you can offer.
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Champion Member
May 23, 2013
Job Offer........
Yes, you are a citizen based on your father's birth in Canada. Under the original Citizenship Act, a naturalized Canadian citizen lost his/her citizenship if absent from Canada for six consecutive years. That won't affect your application.