My mother was born in the UK but was naturalized in Canada in 1982. I was born outside of Canada to an English father whilst my mother was still a citizen of Canada. Could I be considered for a Canadian citizenship?
My mother was born in the UK but was naturalized in Canada in 1982. I was born outside of Canada to an English father whilst my mother was still a citizen of Canada. Could I be considered for a Canadian citizenship?
My mother was born in the UK but was naturalized in Canada in 1982. I was born outside of Canada to an English father whilst my mother was still a citizen of Canada. Could I be considered for a Canadian citizenship?
She isn't a citizen anymore?
She'd have to be for your to apply if I remember correctly. Being born to a naturalized citizen makes you one as well in any case.
She got her citizenship in 1982 but hasn't lived there for over twenty years so she wasn't sure if it would still be valid. If I am, would I still need to take the test etc? Could I just file an application?
She got her citizenship in 1982 but hasn't lived there for over twenty years so she wasn't sure if it would still be valid. If I am, would I still need to take the test etc? Could I just file an application?