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All the abbreviations and their meaning


Star Member
Dec 25, 2020
Hi all,

I am quite new to the immigration process of Canada and often come across many abbreviations used by people on this forum. If there is a dedicated space/data for all the common abbreviations, please point it out.

Alternatively if this thread could be converted into a sticky, that would be a great help for newbies like me. Some of the abbreviations I know over the top :-

- PR : Permanent Residence/Resident
- FSW : Federal Skilled Worker
- FST : Federal Skilled Traders
- PNP : Provincial Nominee Program
- HCP : Human Capital Priorities

- AOR : (I would like to know)
- EOR : (I would like to know)
- PPR : (I would like to know)
- API : (I would like to know)

Please, if someone with knowledge could enlighten us on what the last four mean and also feel free to add any more of them.
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Hero Member
Oct 20, 2017
Check below link

AOR - Acknowledgement of Receipt

CAIPS - Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System. This is the computer system used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada for storing all overseas visa application information. This system records every bit of information you provide. It is like an electronic identity; existence of the applicant. This is very helpful when anything abnormal happens (e.g. delay in reply, lack of updation, long processing time). It is also helpful when you are selected for the interview. You can know the probable cause of interview requirement by obtaining the CAIPS notes.
CANN - Community Airport Newcomers’ Network
CELPIP - Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. This is one of only two English language testing organizations approved by CIC (IELTS is the other). CELPIP testing is only available in Canada (Vancouver and Toronto) and China.
CPP - Canada Pension Plan
CIC - Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CICIC - Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
COPR - Confirmation of Permanent Resident Form
CSQ - Certificate du Selection du Quebec (Quebec Certificate of Selection)

DMP - Designated Medical Practitioner. Under the Skilled Worker Program application all family members must undergo a medical exam, performed by a doctor that has been approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
IRPA - Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
IRPR - Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
EAL - English as an Additional Language
e-CAS - e-Client Application Status. This on-line service allows CIC clients to view securely the status of immigration and/or citizenship application(s) on-line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may use this service if you have sponsored a member of the family class, applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada, applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal), applied for a grant of Canadian citizenship, or applied for a proof of Canadian citizenship.
EFL - English as a Foreign Language
EI - Employment Insurance (also sometimes referred to as unemployment insurance)
ELT - English Language Training/Teaching
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESP - English for Specific Purposes
GIC - Guaranteed Investment Certificate
GST - Goods and Services Tax
H&C grounds - Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds. In the case of Canadian immigration, refers to section A25(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Any person who does not comply with the three categories of immigration to Canada (family, economic and refugee) may ask to be considered for immigration selection on H&C grounds.
HRDC (see HRSDC) - former Human Resources Development Canada
HRSDC - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. The government agency responsible for performing both Arranged Employment Opinions and Labour Market Opinions for the purposes of obtaining employment confirmation letters. Such letters may be required by Skilled Worker applicants when attempting to qualify for the additional ten points under the Arranged Employment Factor.
ICCS - International Council for Canadian Studies
ID - Identification
IELTS - International English Language Testing System. One of only two English language testing organizations approved by CIC (CELPIP is the other). Note that Skilled Worker applicants will want to complete the IELTS 'General Training' exams, not the 'Academic Training' exams.
IRPA - Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
MSP - Medical Services Plan
NOC - National Occupational Classification
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
OLA - Open Learning Agency
PST - Provincial Sales Tax
RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RRPF - Right of Permanent Residence Fee
RRSP - Registered Retirement Savings Plan
SIN -Social Insurance Number
SWP - Skilled Worker Program
TEF - Test d'Evaluation de Français. The only French language testing organization approved by CIC. Note that Skilled Workers are to complete the following tests: Comprehension Ocrite / Comprehension Orale / Expression Ecrite / Expression Orale.
VSO - Voluntary Services Overseas
WCB - Workers’ Compensation Board
YMCA - Young Men’s Christian Association
YWCA - Young Women’s Christian Association
IA-Intial Assessment
PPR-Passport Request


Quoting: https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/immigration-acronyms.3007


VIP Member
Apr 19, 2021
London, United Kingdom
AOR - Acknowledgement of Receipt

Advance Passenger Information

CAIPS - Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System. This is the computer system used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada for storing all overseas visa application information. This system records every bit of information you provide. It is like an electronic identity; existence of the applicant. This is very helpful when anything abnormal happens (e.g. delay in reply, lack of updation, long processing time). It is also helpful when you are selected for the interview. You can know the probable cause of interview requirement by obtaining the CAIPS notes.

CANN - Community Airport Newcomers’ Network

CELPIP - Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. This is one of only two English language testing organizations approved by CIC (IELTS is the other). CELPIP testing is only available in Canada (Vancouver and Toronto) and China.

CPP - Canada Pension Plan

CIC - Citizenship and Immigration Canada

CICIC - Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials

CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency

COPR - Confirmation of Permanent Resident Form

CSQ - Certificate du Selection du Quebec (Quebec Certificate of Selection)

DMP - Designated Medical Practitioner. Under the Skilled Worker Program application all family members must undergo a medical exam, performed by a doctor that has been approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

IRPA - Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

IRPR - Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations

EAL - English as an Additional Language

EOR - Enquiry On Results

e-CAS - e-Client Application Status. This on-line service allows CIC clients to view securely the status of immigration and/or citizenship application(s) on-line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may use this service if you have sponsored a member of the family class, applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada, applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal), applied for a grant of Canadian citizenship, or applied for a proof of Canadian citizenship.

EFL - English as a Foreign Language

EI - Employment Insurance (also sometimes referred to as unemployment insurance)

ELT - English Language Training/Teaching

ESL - English as a Second Language

ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages

ESP - English for Specific Purposes

GIC - Guaranteed Investment Certificate

GST - Goods and Services Tax

H&C grounds - Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds. In the case of Canadian immigration, refers to section A25(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Any person who does not comply with the three categories of immigration to Canada (family, economic and refugee) may ask to be considered for immigration selection on H&C grounds.

HRDC (see HRSDC) - former Human Resources Development Canada

HRSDC - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. The government agency responsible for performing both Arranged Employment Opinions and Labor Market Opinions for the purposes of obtaining employment confirmation letters. Such letters may be required by Skilled Worker applicants when attempting to qualify for the additional ten points under the Arranged Employment Factor.

ICCS - International Council for Canadian Studies

ID - Identification

IELTS - International English Language Testing System. One of only two English language testing organizations approved by CIC (CELPIP is the other). Note that Skilled Worker applicants will want to complete the IELTS 'General Training' exams, not the 'Academic Training' exams.

IRPA - Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

MSP - Medical Services Plan

NOC - National Occupational Classification

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

OLA - Open Learning Agency

PST - Provincial Sales Tax

RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RRPF - Right of Permanent Residence Fee

RRSP - Registered Retirement Savings Plan

SIN -Social Insurance Number

SWP - Skilled Worker Program

TEF - Test d'Evaluation de Français. The only French language testing organization approved by CIC. Note that Skilled Workers are to complete the following tests: Comprehension Ocrite / Comprehension Orale / Expression Ecrite / Expression Orale.

VSO - Voluntary Services Overseas

WCB - Workers’ Compensation Board

YMCA - Young Men’s Christian Association

YWCA -Young Women’s Christian Association

IA - Intial Assessment

PPR - Passport Request