Today the 3rd December, 2013 have passed my 1st week here at Toronto. Today was busy exploring kids schools and doing formalities. They will start school from Monday next, inshallah. I booked my new 1 bed apartment on the same building of my sister's place. Unfortunately 02 beds are not available right now to start from January 2014. But the room size seems okey to be comfortable with two kids. The view is good from the living room. It's going to cost me 900 CAD monthly all inclusive and if I get my car in next 3 months going to be an 50 CAD extra.
- roaming with my brother Inlaw almost all the time in his car, and he keeps on verbal instructing me about the traffic rules and regulations keeping me in the front seat. I think it helps, and actually it develops the intuitive reflexes for turns at traffic lights being on proper lane. Public transport is not upto the mark, to tell frankly. Someone is bound to go for own car especially with small kids. Otherwise they become heavily dependent on others to commute. I went to my daughter's high school today, almost 2.5 km on foot (Inlaw went to work) and it was bright sunny a day with 3 deg. All of us enjoyed, but if it would have rained or snowed with wind it will be impossible I believe. By car it's only 2 mins! If I am to request someone to car pool my daughter it's going to cost me. If I get to the school bus service it's going to be 150 CAD monthly. There is no public transport as well. Usually the junior schools are within close proximity. So families with kids upto say year 5, it's doable on foot.
- the most common entertainment here seems invitation to relatives and friends place during week ends. Heavy adda and lunch or dinner. If car is missing someone will be stuck. Situation is not the same every where. The danforth area, Victoria park are places where initial settlement might not require personal cars. Sometimes you find 8-10 Bangladeshi families in a same building or even more. It's good. They are of help and support to each other. Initial times it's a must to know the places, tricks, tactics.
- Have not got time yet to explore jobs. Had chat with few forum friends and it seems jobs are there, In fact adequate. The issue is to get settle, get the ball rolling and during weekends relax, plan the main stream goal. I visited few friends of mine as well. Everyone seems to be dependent on OsAp for a course study and temporary any kind of jobs. It's okey, common and to some extent comfortable with financial planning. Everyone tries not to temper the initial funding brought from the country. It's good, I believe, It boosts the moral fighting attitude. My plan tends so.
- The whole context seems in three types, professionals like us (new comers, making initial survival and planing things up), 2nd rich with plenty money from country living in an expensive condo or detuched house and 3rd types who are settled here for a while say 5-8 years. Have met few of them. It seems its doable for us. Yes we can, it requires time though, but possible. Everything has to start from the beginning. It will take time, so early starters get advantage here and people like me with 42 years might be on back foot. Still I am hopeful it's right to give a fight.
- my wife plans to start a job from January 1st week inshallah. Meanwhile for me, I wish to take a break to think about the system and the attacking plan while hosted by my brother in law till Jan. Passing that honeymoon period as said at the CIIP session. Cheers all and your Doas are heavily required along with central heating in this 2-3 deg at Toronto. Salam and bye till next time.