Has anyone applied for graduate admission to University of Concordia and Alberta for Fall 2020. My Application status on Concordia portal states" Your file is being assessed and we will notify you when a decision has been made". I applied for a PhD with Undergraduate GPA of 3.2/4 and an MPhil with GPA 3.3/4. I secured a supervisor before submitting my application. When Do I expect a response from Concordia? I applied on 28th Sept 2019.
My UAlberta portal displays: "Admissions number, Student ID number and Application number. What is the explanation to these numbers? Application status: Pre-Screening, Decision Pending. Any explanations?
My UAlberta portal displays: "Admissions number, Student ID number and Application number. What is the explanation to these numbers? Application status: Pre-Screening, Decision Pending. Any explanations?