JRPW said:
My wife received a letter today stating that further medical tests are required. Has anyone else gone through this?
The doctor who examined her found nothing wrong (he told us). What additional tests are required?
Yes, I've gone through this.
In my experience, they send a sealed envelope that you are to take to your DMP. In my experience, the DMP will give you a copy of the letter and should tell you if there is a serious medical issue about which you should be concerned. You do the follow-up tests, the results are sent off to the regional IMS centre and they evaluate the information in front of them.
There are three grounds on which they may reject an applicant for medical issues: public health, public safety, or excessive demand. TB and syphilis are the two examples of which I am aware. Syphilis is relatively easy - it requires treatment and follow-up serology. TB can often add 12-18 months to the process, because they will require clean TB results for 12 months after treatment. An example of excessive demand might be multiple sclerosis. The concern here would be about the costs to the Canadian health care system.
I'm quite familiar with excessive demand cases and if it turns out to be a concern I can give you quite a bit of insight into what to expect and how to respond.
I hope for your wife's sake that it is nothing serious, perhaps just a test anomaly.