Hello. If anybody knows, should I include in this form my husband's son from previous marriage even though he is a Canadian citizen born in Canada? Thanks
Hello. If anybody knows, should I include in this form my husband's son from previous marriage even though he is a Canadian citizen born in Canada? Thanks
Hello. If anybody knows, should I include in this form my husband's son from previous marriage even though he is a Canadian citizen born in Canada? Thanks
My wife (PA) was in the same situation. We included both MY kids (her-step 'kids') as step children on her disclosure, even though both were Canadian citizens. I also attached copies of their citizenship papers to prove it just in case.
My wife (PA) was in the same situation. We included both MY kids (her-step 'kids') as step children on her disclosure, even though both were Canadian citizens. I also attached copies of their citizenship papers to prove it just in case.
Thank you for a quick reply! But I would only need to include my step son in the "Additional family information" form and I wouldn't have to declare him as my dependent, right?
That depends on whether they are 'dependents' as defined by CIC or not (have a read of the CIC on-line completion notes and guidelines in this respect). I made it clear that mine were not (as they were 26 and 28, both lived in their own houses and had jobs).
That depends on whether they are 'dependents' as defined by CIC or not (have a read of the CIC on-line completion notes and guidelines in this respect). I made it clear that mine were not (as they were 26 and 28, both lived in their own houses and had jobs).