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Accidental Work Outside of Permit Conditions


Aug 24, 2021
When I received my open work permit 1 year ago I didn't read the small print which stated that I was not eligible to work in health services, which is the field I work in. Now that I am filling out my common-law sponsorship I realized that I have been working outside of my work permit's parameters. I have immediately stopped work and booked a medical exam, which will allow me to change the conditions of my work permit to start working in the health field again. I plan to disclose all of this in my application. What I am hoping to get a sense of is how much this might affect the chances of getting my PR. Basically, how stressed should I be for the next year as I wait? Thanks in advance!


Aug 24, 2021
Since my main question is how this would affect my PR, this thread seems more appropriate to me than the two you mentioned.
I will also post to the work permit forum, however.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?
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Star Member
Mar 17, 2020
Just disclose it, explain that you have taken the action to correct it. Show respect and remorse and you'll be fine. The worst thing that can happen is your inability to work farther. Nobody will remove you as long as application is received and in process. For farther information see special policie about sponsoring an out of status spouse on ircc website. While you are not out of status that your visa did not expire, you performed unauthorized work which they consider to be out of status.

Best of luck.


Full Member
Oct 30, 2021
Since my main question is how this would affect my PR, this thread seems more appropriate to me than the two you mentioned.
I will also post to the work permit forum, however.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?
Hi, what happened finaly?