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2ways you can do to influence Justin Trudeau's timeline on 【reforming CEC】


Oct 28, 2015
Hello Tomorrow,

So here is Canada just like Justin said ''in canada better is always possible''.

As of November 4th the New Citizenship and Immigration Canada minister will be debuted; for sure Justin and the new CIC minister will be so busy with the transition as well as preparing the new policy and examining or healing the broken programs that the previous government has created over the past years.

Remember, there are so many things that the new CIC minister and justin need to work on, such as LMIA,Caregiver,Supervisa,Refugee etc....These seem are more important than CEC reform per se.
So here are the 2 things you can do to remind the future CIC minister and Justin Trudeau that don't overlook the reform on CEC program as he promised.

It takes 10-15 minutes to do it.

1. Send Justin an letter through mail or email. (someone did it, and justin did reply on Facebook)
w ww.globalnews.ca/news/2296677/justin-trudeau-responds-to-b-c-womans-letter/
Online: w ww.pm.gc.ca/contactpm

2.Send letters and call your local newly elected MP(it's better go with Liberal MP)
(1) How to find your local MP: W ww.parl.gc.ca/parlinfo/compilations/houseofcommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC
(2) How to write the letter? PDF Sample: w ww.cpj.ca/sites/default/files/docs/files/Sample%20Letter.pdf

(maybe someone can draft a sample letter here perhaps?)

Resources that night be helpful to contain in your letter or email.

-10/23Forbes article: Why CA government should welcome CEC program
w ww.forbes.com/sites/andyjsemotiuk/2015/10/23/trudeau-should-welcome-canadian-experience-class-immigrants/

-Liberral real change campign proposal -

w ww.liberal.ca/realchange/international-students-and-temporary-residents/