I received final request for my application of permanent residence under PNP ..
I receive d the email last September 20, 2018 but the problem is I send the document October 21 ... one day late for 30days request for the completion
After 3 months February 8, 2019 I received again a letter that they give me another 30 days to send the copy of the documents that they request last September 20, 2018 they said that I did not comply for the 30 days due date for the completion and submission of the documents .. please help me to understand because I am comfuse why they are asking again for the documents that I already sent 4 months ago . And there is any chance that they will grant us PR if I send it again and complete everything before the 30 days due date? Or that is the sign that they will refuse my application
I receive d the email last September 20, 2018 but the problem is I send the document October 21 ... one day late for 30days request for the completion
After 3 months February 8, 2019 I received again a letter that they give me another 30 days to send the copy of the documents that they request last September 20, 2018 they said that I did not comply for the 30 days due date for the completion and submission of the documents .. please help me to understand because I am comfuse why they are asking again for the documents that I already sent 4 months ago . And there is any chance that they will grant us PR if I send it again and complete everything before the 30 days due date? Or that is the sign that they will refuse my application