Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class Living Outside Canada
Status of your application
(A decision has not been made yet.)
Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.
Documentation Verified by CIC
We are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.
(A decision has been made at this point.)
Sponsorship and Eligibility Status Determined
We have made a decision on your sponsorship application. We will inform you in writing of the decision.
Application Forwarded to Visa Office
We have forwarded your application to the Visa Office for final processing. Quebec residents please see the relevant diagram.
Sponsor Advised of Decision Made
We will inform you in writing of the decision made on your sponsorship application. We will send you a Permanent Resident Kit that you will need to forward to the family class relative you are sponsoring.
Dıd thery start processıng our applıcatıon?ı thınk no but that ın process what can mean?On 20 of august ı took my Sa....ıs ıt possıble that they process lıke thıs fast?maybe they check ıf any document ıs mıssıng?
Status of your application
(A decision has not been made yet.)
Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.
Documentation Verified by CIC
We are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.
(A decision has been made at this point.)
Sponsorship and Eligibility Status Determined
We have made a decision on your sponsorship application. We will inform you in writing of the decision.
Application Forwarded to Visa Office
We have forwarded your application to the Visa Office for final processing. Quebec residents please see the relevant diagram.
Sponsor Advised of Decision Made
We will inform you in writing of the decision made on your sponsorship application. We will send you a Permanent Resident Kit that you will need to forward to the family class relative you are sponsoring.
Dıd thery start processıng our applıcatıon?ı thınk no but that ın process what can mean?On 20 of august ı took my Sa....ıs ıt possıble that they process lıke thıs fast?maybe they check ıf any document ıs mıssıng?