Can anyone tell me that can I travel from india to Canada via Heathrow airport london or not.
Will there be any problem while traveling
Please suggest me because I have booked the ticket
Applied on 4 march
Biometric 9 march
Medical updated 22 June
Aip 21 Aug
New Loa request 3 nov updated on 6 nov
Still waiting
Getting too much frustrated
Yes brother I am also waiting from March
Don't lose your hope bro we are waiting from from atleast 9 months please wait some more time and you will get a good news soon
So don't lose your hope
Be positive
I have applied on 3 march
Biometric 9 march
Aip 20 Aug
New Loa request 3 nov and submitted on 6 nov
Defer from sep to jan intake
College also on dli list on 3 nov