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  1. C

    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    Thankyou :) na man, am just moving asap. Waiting for stamp on ppt and then would leave in 4-5 days. Hopefully by end of December. I am also worried about Coz of omicron situation, the travel restrictions may apply. So no remed. Moreover i got call from NDVO and they specifically told me that if...
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    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    Yes! I actually took help of local mla there who contacted their mp and the person their Intervened and tats how I got the PPR
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    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    I t I received my PPR today :) Satnaam Sri Waheguru. They told e to reach before 22nd January 2022 as my medicals are expiring then.
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    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    I am working on getting ppr reissued but it hasn’t worked till now
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    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    Can anyone please tell me how to contact New Delhi Visa Office?
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    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    I don’t understand why they send it on mail but never update on CIC account. My BO is New Delhi too. I am trying to get my PPR reissued since March 2020.
  7. C

    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    My PPR was sent on 3rd March 2020 as per the GCMS notes and web forms. But it went to wrong mail and I have been trying since then to get it reissued on correct mail. Also there has never been any update on my cic account. I don’t know how they are doing if they are doing something. Sick and tired.
  8. C

    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    What’s the status now? Mine is still in processing they say
  9. C

    >>>>>>>>AUGUST 2019 AOR<<<<<<<-----Join here

    i wouldn't wanna be too positive about it.
  10. C

    GCMS notes say PPR sent but not received in CIC account, been >6months

    Hey! Thanks for the info. I got my file applied through agents and they lost the email and can’t recover it too. I have no means to know if they sent PPR on mail or not. In any case, it wouldn’t be valid now. You please try to get your ppr reissued as I am trying the same too through web forms...
  11. C

    "Applications impacted by Coronavirus" on gcms notes

    Sam same here! i ordered GCMS notes first in July and there was no such thing mentioned, but when I ordered in Aug again, Ifound the same! ‘ Org / entity ID: O263567290956 Name: Coronavirus 2020 Type: Organization Sub-Type: Other Other sub type description: Applications impacted by Coronavirus’
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    I received the same! “ Org / entity ID: O263567290956 Name: Coronavirus 2020 Type: Organization Sub-Type: Other Other sub type description: Applications impacted by Coronavirus”
  13. C

    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    Hey I ordered GCMS notes in July 2020 and there was no mention of Corona in it. I ordered them again in August and it has mentioned that my file is ‘impacted by Coronavirus’
  14. C

    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    I am an Outland applicant. Damn it! It’s never gonna be alright it seems. This all sucks. I am soooo tired!!!! Why do Outland have to wait though? Any reason in particular?
  15. C

    >>>>>>>>AUGUST 2019 AOR<<<<<<<-----Join here

    No I haven’t hired a lawyer yet. Those despicable people are fighting with me instead. I don’t have funds or energy to fight with them yet, I raised web form to resend/residue the ppr in new mail or on cic. Waiting for that. Today I received an update that ‘We verified the information on file...
  16. C

    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    I had filled web form 2 weeks back for technical issue- that my PPR was lost in mail. And today i received mail from them ‘We verified the information on file and are pleased to confirm that the request to resend your PPR letter was received by the responsible office. If further information is...
  17. C

    GCMS notes say PR approved in January, but no COPR/PPR letters or communication from IRCC

    Oh ohkay. So what did you send exactly in ADR? I am sick and tired of waiting. It’s been an year. I want to fasten the CoPR process smh. Per GCMS notes, my PR eligibility was finalised and PPR sent in March itself. But I have received no updates on cic account yet.