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  1. R

    Applicants who applied in July got any updates ???

    Lots of Iranians are getting their AIPs these days. Most of the applications were sumbitted in June and July.
  2. R

    Study Permit Applications from Turkey Here

    I know some iranians from late-May have got their AIP. As I know, Iranian’s study permit will be proceed in Ankara.
  3. R

    Study permits from Iran

    Hello to all. Recently, I've seen many students from Iran who were submitted their applications on May and got their AIPs these days, although they are still some students for Jan/Feb that haven't got any update on their profiles. Please let us know if you get any update and news from the IRCC...
  4. R

    AIP for full app

    Why are you frustrated? You've got first stage approval and you have to be happy! Congratulations! Can you please share your timeline? Thanks!
  5. R

    AIP for full app

    Congrats! Can you please share your timeline? Thanks!
  6. R

    Applicants who applied in July got any updates ???

    Applied on 13th July 2020 from Iran With biometric Still waiting for the first stage decision...
  7. R

    I received email from IRCC

    Can you please publish the results of this form so that we can be informed that who has been approved for sp?
  8. R

    Study permits from Iran

    An applicant from iran finally could get his AIP after almost 6 months of being patient! Although he submitted a full application (with biometrics), he got AIP Instead of full approval (opposite of the latest tweet of CIC)
  9. R

    Study Permit Applications from Turkey Here

    How could it happen? Because there are lots of applications from Feb/March that haven’t got any update on their profile. Is it normal that a person applied on june and got his approval, although there are some applicants that applied earlier than june but still haven’t got any approval even the...
  10. R

    Study Permit Applications from Turkey Here

    So you are saying that the application submitted on June 11, has been approved at the first stage in Ankara?
  11. R

    Study Permit Applications from Turkey Here

    I’m from Iran and as I know so far, our applications are going to be proceed in Ankara, Turkey. I’ve submitted my full application (including biometrics) on July 13th but still haven’t got any update on my online profile. I will be appreciate if anyone pet us know if he/she gets any update from...
  12. R

    Study permits from Iran

    Yes exactly. Applications from iran are processing in Ankara. If you get any update and news about Ankara’s embassy, please let us know. Thanks.
  13. R

    Study permits from Iran

    I got refused in the same reason last year. Hope your second application get approved.
  14. R

    Study permits from Iran

    The status of my application submitted on July 13th, is: Your application is in progress. We will send you a message once the final decision has been made. What does it mean? Does it mean that the Eligibility has been started or not?
  15. R

    Study permits from Iran

    Hello to everybody from Iran. I know most of you have been waiting for 5-6 months and still haven’t got any update on your profile for even AIP. I created this thread so that every applicant from Iran can tells her status and timeline to the others and even their approval in principles. So do...