Can anyone know mine’s status is PCC application is under review at psk. Even though PV is done almost 2 weeks ago. Don’t know what to do. Is it normal? How long it usually takes & what should be the next status .
I’ll appreciate your reply
Did you get email from passport admin. If you there will be a file number starting with cat....... you can further track at
Was your status changed? Same scenario is with me. PV done almost 2 week ago and psk website still shows PCC application is under review at psk. Don’t know what to do . Your reply will be appreciated
Hi bro
My psk status shows PCC application is under review at psk . Even though the POlice verified my house one week ago . How long it takes to update the status and what next status should be
Reply will be appreciated
Pradeep What was your status after verification at psk website? Mine still shows PCC application is under review at psk even though verification is done a week ago
Is it normal?
What was your previous status. I am facing a problem mine’s police verification is done almost one week ago and still psk website shows PCC application is under review at passport sewa.... ? What was your time line ? What should I do ?
Hi everyone,
I track my PCC application at PSK it shows PCC application is under review at passport sewa kendra. However the police verification is done last week. Does anyone know please reply me
Hi I track the status at psk website it shows PCC application is under review at passport sewa kendr . However the police verification is done a week ago . What does that mean and how long it’s gonna take . Pls respond if anyone familiar with this