You don’t need to worry. If you had an account already they would update your account and email you when your application is linked to your account. If you didn’t have an account already they would create one then send you your credentials. Happy holidays!
Applied 5:55pm EST
BIL Dec 3
AOR Dec 3
Portal Dec 16
Still waiting for credentials.
Is it normal now that it might take awhile to get credentials?
I also created an account already so that might cause delay… oh well
You can always call them and check on your status with an agent. They can see if you passed the eligibility or not since it doesn’t usually show on anywhere I think.
Applied early March without biometrics. Got approved this morning I think. Eligibility passed about two weeks ago. I called them a few times and I think they are just really swamped but they are processing March applications rn. Good luck guys.
Anyone here submitted their application in March right before they cancelled all the biometrics within Canada. Now I’m just waiting to give my biometrics and I don’t think I can check my application status.