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Search results

  1. J

    About OINP - international student stream 2020

    My company is a private equity-backed firm and a few of our projects didn't get final sign off from the clients and that's why there was a layoff. Though HR mentioned they will consider rehiring once the situation is over or in better situation, however, we still are unclear about this and we...
  2. J

    About OINP - international student stream 2020

    Guys if anybody is into this situation, please respond and would request if any immigration lawyer can guide me on this.
  3. J

    About OINP - international student stream 2020

    Respected Forum members, Recently I applied for OINP International Student - Employer Job Offer Stream, as I was working as an IT consultant with one of the leading consulting firms. Due to COVID, I lost my job and as per protocols, I did update OINP with the change in my job situation...