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  1. A

    Importing new items on first time entry

    Hi, I'm a bit confused about this Moving or returning to Canada (cbsa-asfc.gc.ca) It states than one has the right to bring his belongings as long as they are used. I know many people who entered Canada for the first time as PR who brought with them brand new items : kitchen ustensiles...
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    application for canadian visa (PR) - child with mild autism

    Congratulations, this is really great news ! Do you mind remind us when have you got your visit, and when you and your spouse passed ?
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    Medical condition with M5 in GCMS

    Have you got any news?
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    application for canadian visa (PR) - child with mild autism

    Thanks for sharing and congratulations. When your autistic kid got medical approved?
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    Applying for PR and my son has Mild autism

    Hi Thanks for sharing. So MP Oct 2021, when did you do the medical? have you received the MP on the same time as your ASD dependent? Can you please also share the diagnosis (mild, moderate, severe, verbal or not...) ?
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    How one knows if medical exam has failed?

    Thanks for your answer, your feedback really helps. But just to confirm my understanding: the backlog isn't for the regular medical reviews right? as a lot of people got the medical results in 24 hours, so you meant the there's a backlog for the people who have a medical case and the case is...
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    How one knows if medical exam has failed?

    Hi. Went to the medical visit late september 21, most people I know got positive medical results within a week and few ones within a month. Now more than one month passed and the status of my medical still the same (gckey and ecas: we sent you instruction for the medicals). A member of my...
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    Multiple Application for PR - Federal step

    Hi. I've beene nomitated by New Brunswick Province. I've sent my PR application to Sydney, NS office. After that I've figured out that I've done a lot of mistakes like not signing at the right place, outdate signatures, part of the forms not filled. AOR (Aknowledgement of receipt) not received...
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    application for canadian visa (PR) - child with mild autism

    So you mean they haven't diagnosed ASD and so far all is good right ?