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    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    so why still there is human capital stream ? does that stream requires specific NOCs already ?
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    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    I created it 1 month ago Do they mention NOC requirement in selection criteria ?
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    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    I have TCF Canada CLB9, IELTS CLB7, 1 year experience, bachelor. I put French as first language. CRS 439 Yet I didnt receive anything
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    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    I'm under FSW with CRS 439 but didnt receive anything
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    Anyone received NOI from OINP yesterday ?

    Hi, I am under FSW with CRS score 440 and I meet all requirements of OINP French-speaking stream. I put French as first language and choose all provinces. The draw yesterday requires at least 432 CRS score. But I didn't receive anything so far. Anyone with same issue ?
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    Proof of relationship (spouse) question ?

    I read somewhere in the forum that some cases need proof of relationship like emails, pictures, messages... when they apply for PR through EE. I and my wife have been in marriage for over a year. I wonder if we may be asked for proof of relationship or not when applying for PR through EE ?