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  1. H

    may 2020 intake (general discussion)

    So Lambton Said the following:- Dear Students: Thank you for your patience. Your health and well-being are our top priority. We also understand that you are seeking answers about the start of your classes and program. Postponing Start Date The original start date of the May...
  2. H

    may 2020 intake (general discussion)

    so did I get from Lambton college that the intake is postponed but yet haven't they confirmed the proper date.
  3. H

    Visa success rate (Delhi vs Bangalore)

    Report means he wants to see you till 30 march or else he terminates employment. Well depending upon current situation Canada can face lockdowns in coming days. So you need to describe the situation including visa status, flight situation and 14 days self isolation situation. Moreover if you...
  4. H

    Visa success rate (Delhi vs Bangalore)

    Doesn't he know the current situation?
  5. H

    Pospone of May intake for people who applied in march and haven't got their visas yet

    If i may say, the may intake was supposed to take in may is in jeopardy, now the colleges are offering online classes but that's what i didn't opt out for, i opted out for in person classes or else i'd have gone to edx and already taken online university course. So my question is should i...