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  1. G

    Problematic field PR application personal activities

    Yes, I did. It was actually my mistake as if you put you belonged to an organisation that doesn’t count towards the 10 years so I had a 5 month gap that the system would recognise. Lesson learnt... read the fine print :confused:
  2. G

    Personal History Form Not Getting Completed

    Hey - could you please let me know how you fixed this? It's driving me mad and I can't find a solution. I have cleared cache, changed browser, all of it... :(
  3. G

    Problematic field PR application personal activities

    Hi - could you please let me know how you fixed this? I have been having the same issues and also tried to cancel my history, cache, use another broswer etc. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. G

    ECA from University of Toronto (CES)

    Congratulations and good luck for your EE application! Is there a specific reason why you had to wait almost 5 months to get your assessment? I submitted mine two weeks ago thinking that the 14 weeks mentioned on the website were accurate. I should have probably done my due diligence and used a...