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  1. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    I received my ECA report today. Now looking forward to receiving an ITA :)
  2. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    You should be able to download a PDF file (soft copy) while the hard copy is on its way to your mailing address. For Express Entry purposes, you only need the ID that will be in the PDF file. My original ECA's hard copy is still in the original envelope and I never had to use it.
  3. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    Not really, I didn't get any reason for the delay. If this estimate is correct, the ECA will be complete almost 80 days after the docs were delivered to WES. My CRS is going up to 467. I hope it's enough for an ITA in January. Let's see... What about you?
  4. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    Finally got an update a few minutes ago... The estimated completion date of your evaluation is 1/15/2020 At least they confirmed that all documents are good. Looking forward for any draws in the second half of January
  5. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    I called them on 4-Dec asking for an update. They told me that they would start the escalation process, but I haven't heard anything yet
  6. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    I am stuck on this status since 31-Oct :/
  7. K

    WES Timeline/Tracking 2019

    Hey guys, same frustration over here... I have an ECA report issued in 2017 and applied for a report update to include a second degree. My docs were delivered on 25-Oct by post, and confirmed by WES on 28-Oct. They updated my application status again on 30-Oct as follows and I haven't...