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  1. A

    Bridge Open Work Permit - Application Process

    Hi ! It expires at the end of the month of February. My immigration advisor said we can do it mid-January, because I will have implied status to cover the processing months. Is that correct? Also, for intended work, I have put the province as Alberta. Since my dates are not finalized yet, I...
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    Bridge Open Work Permit - Application Process

    So I currently live in Ontario, where I've been working, but I've been invited by Alberta. My intent is to go to Alberta once I have the PR and then get a job there. But on the paper work to fill out for the BOWP, the area for 'intended work in Canada' simply asks for what type of permit, and...
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    Question about required documents for Bridging Open Work Permit under PNP

    Hey guys! Question on BOWP as well. If you have been nominated from a province, but you reside in another (though you intend on moving to the nominating province, of course), how do you reflect that in your application? This applies to me. I reside in Ontario with my family, where I also work...
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    PNP PR PAPER-BASED - April May June July 2019 Applicant —— Let’s share timeline and contact here!!!

    Anyone apply for a BOWP while awaiting PR completion for PNP? If province of nomination is different than where you currently reside, what do you put down for contact information/intended place of work (did you leave this part blank)?
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    Bridge Open Work Permit - Application Process

    Hello all, I am in the midst of applying for the bridge open work permit (BOWP). I've been nominated provincially, and I am awaiting the confirmation from the province, but my current work permit will most likely expire before then. 1. Have you filled out the BOWP request yourselves? It...
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    Instruction - Apply for a Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP)

    Hello, I've read this somewhere about applying for the BOWP, while applying for PR/receiving an invite through the Provincial Nominee Program: "The employment location on the work permit must be restricted to the nominating province". However, this is not the case with me. I reside and...