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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    i think the latest AOR date which people received/reported Medical passed was June 11.. no update after that...
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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    someone in whatsapp group got the bio request - AOR June 1st i belive. so i guess they started to process June applications.
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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    Are in in-land or outland tho ? try to find another approved physician maybe ? Waiting till December would be hell of waiting game. also the processing time is around 6 months..... it would defer your application further..
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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    If i already give biometrics (when i applied for study permit), do i have to give it again ? from posts on March/April, i got fairly mixed answers
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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    I had everything really. i only waited for the one yr mark
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    CEC Application- June 2021 AOR *** Join here

    Profile created: June 4th, 2021 ITA: June 10th, 2021 AOR June 16, 2021 Eligibility Review
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    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Applied May 19th Eligibility Review: June 2nd Approved: June 4th - 3 years
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    PGWP Eligibility

    I'm applying for PGWP. I was in a co-op program. In a co-op, I took an online course. I asked my school registar, and they stated "students on co-op are considered full-time status". However, I was charged part-time tuition fees. In CRA tax form, it shows I had 4 months of part-time studies. I'm...
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    PGWP refused, because of a mistake in the College Transcript!

    Sorry to hear that! Did you get it eventually? Correct me if I misunderstand it... You received your transcript and didn't take a look before applying for PGWP? I'm not on anyone's side, but the first thing I do (when I received my transcript) is to check my transcripts and make sure the...
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    PGWP for Co-op Student

    I talked to my school consultant. From what she said, students need to be full-time at every academic term (which I did), and only on co-op term (without any additional courses) They said since I’m taking it summer, they advised to me to write a letter to explain. I don’t know if I should be...
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    PGWP for Co-op Student

    Hi, I understand that one of the requirement for PGWP is continuous studies... In summer 2019, I took two online courses when I was on co-op term (I had a job). And this wasn’t my last term. My university defines a full time load is with three courses or more. There is not very clear...