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  1. A

    Physical Presence Calculator incorrect?

    great thank you so much!
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    Physical Presence Calculator incorrect?

    I see, thank you! One more question if you don't mind. I was actually waiting for my work permit around that time - I was an international student before that. so I heard during that "gap" period, I was on "implied status". but in the "List time with Canadian temporary resident or protected...
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    Physical Presence Calculator incorrect?

    Hi folks, I was doing my physical presence calculation online, but when I entered my absence for example, from 2015/2/10 to 2015/2/19 to the United States, the number of absence days shows 0. I think it should be 10 days, right? Does anyone run into the same question?
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    Physical Presence Calculator - currently with error?

    I have the same question - I was out of Canada from 2015.2.10 to 2015.2.29, but the # of absence is 0?
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    Physical presence (implied, no status)

    Hi everyone! One related quick question: I have an implied status too, but I could not find the "Implied Status" option in the "Type"dropdown. Wondering where do you find it? I only see "Visitor, International Student, Temporary Work, Temporary Resident Permit Holder and Protected Person"