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  1. U

    PGDIBO from IGNOU after BE for addtional points

    PGCIS is not a diploma, it is just a certification so I don't think we will get extra points.
  2. U

    PGDIBO from IGNOU after BE for addtional points

    Thank Thank you Preeti! This greatly helps. There is another program PGCIS and this is a certificate which will be given if I complete 1st sem of PGDIS and want to opt out. the website states : This PG Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS) (With an exit option of PG Certificate in...
  3. U

    Is IGNOU PGDIBO helps in getting extra CRS points ?

    Hi All, I am a B-tech (ECE - 4 years) graduate and thought of applying for an IGNOU PGDIBO course for extra CRS point. I checked on the IGNOU site for semester details, but they haven't provided any such details. Find the link below: PGBIBO ...
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    PGDIBO from IGNOU after BE for addtional points

    Hi All, I have the same question as Ankit and Sonali. I am a B-tech (ECE - 4 years) graduate and thought of applying for an IGNOU PGDIBO course for extra CRS point. I checked on the IGNOU site for semester details, but they haven't provided any such details. Find the link below: PGBIBO ...