Hi, could an admin please update my file?
I received my oath letter on February 6th with a date of the oath ceremony on March 6th. Good luck to everyone going through the process!
Got DM today after I sat the test on November 28th. This seems slow compared to most people, no? When can I expect my letter? Could an admin update the spreadsheet? Many thanks!
Hi everyone,
Could an admin update my application on the spreadsheet, please?
Username: dufferb
City: Vancouver
App Delivered: May 10, 2019
AOR: July 31, 2019
IP: September 30, 2019.
Hi there,
I am already on the google sheet and I received my AOR today (July 31). Could you please update the sheet with this info?
Many thanks and good luck to everyone.
Don't know if it's that important - I'm already on the google sheet for May but my physical presence days should actually be 1631...I know it's just for tracking but just an FYI for accuracy.
Hi there,
Could you please add me to the google sheet?
Location: Vancouver
App type: Single
Physical Presence Days: 1609
App sent: May 7
App delivered: May 10
AOR: Pending
Good luck to everyone! Just one question - does AOR usually come via post or email?