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Search results

  1. S

    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/170422#BK12 Thanks for the link! I've gone through the content of Ontario Immigration Act from the page listed above, but I don't think that French as the primary language or a in-demand NOC is mentioned as a requirement under French-speaking Skilled...
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    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Oh, I didn't know that in this program French had to be the first language, nor about the in-demand NOC requirement. Would you please share a link to these specified requirements from Ontario's immigration site if you don't mind? I'm not able to locate them. Would appreciate it.
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    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    Can I ask what your CRS is? Thanks!
  4. S

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2020 Discussion Join Here

    I wonder if this draw was also limited to CEC candidates. I'm qualified for FSW only, and was counting on this OINP once I've cleared my TEF. Now all seems uncertain again.
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    Ray of hope - FSW - 1

    Hi Igethope, have you scored above NCLC 7 in all four categories of your French test? I'm qualified only in FSW as well. I was hoping once I've succeeded in scoring above 7 in all categories, an Ontatrio French Speaking nomination would be a backup plan for me if Federal draw is still limited to...
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    Question regarding CRS Score Distribution in Express Entry Pool

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the distribution IRCC published on their website for each round. Do the numbers of people in the pool include candidates' dependents or no? Because if they do, looking at the status on April 12 below, there were only 2,200-ish candidates in the pool...
  7. S

    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Thanks for this chart @alibutt2013. I was looking for this data on May 10 (and previous rounds as well). I have a question regarding the distribution IRCC published on their website every time. Do the numbers include candidates' dependents or no? Because if they do, looking at the May 10 status...