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  1. M

    Visiting Canada

    Thank you much for your help! I actually called the customs border or another... I am not sure. I was reconnected to all these different locations. I'm finishing up college and commute from my parent's house. They are currently moving though, so I am unsure of where they will be when I go back...
  2. M

    Visiting Canada

    Thank you much for your help. I have read the visiting information on the canada website, but am still confused on one little thing... whatever the length of time I have until my returning flight (let's say 6 weeks... only because I DID visit for six weeks last time), if I extend my FLIGHT...
  3. M

    Visiting Canada

    Thank you :) Is a return flight a 'necessity'? And if I have a return flight and cancel it... do I have to go through extending my 'visa' which costs money ( ? )? And thank you I will check it out now :)
  4. M

    Visiting Canada

    Thank you much. I believe doing the medical exam inside canada will probably be less stressful for me... I am very nervous about going through customs though. I had a bad run in last time with them... Does anyone have an idea about how I can handle the situation with them? Should I say I am...
  5. M

    Visiting Canada

    Thank you for your helpful response. I found that thread right after I posted this. Next time I will make sure to read a little more here. Haha. Thank you again. One more question about the medical examination: does it have to be in my home country or can it be in Canada?
  6. M

    Visiting Canada

    Hello, my fiancé and I are soon to be married. We want to be married in his homeland of Canada. I hail from the US and am going up to visit for as long as I can while everything is being processed. He will be sponsoring me through family class and I will be applying outside of canada because the...
  7. M

    "Proof" of relationship

    I wish you a long and happy marriage. Congratulations! The news is very joyous. I wish you best of luck in your situation. I know if we can get in, you most certainly can-- my boyfriend and I have not dated for five years like you two. Thank you much for the links. You are all so helpful and...
  8. M

    "Proof" of relationship

    Hello and thankyou for taking your time to read my post. -inhales before long story- Soon to be husband would like to sponsor me to Canada. I am from the united states. When our papers are being processed (we will be married by then, naturally) are the processors (??) bias of age? If they see...
  9. M

    Police Certification required?

    Thank you so much for clearing things up. I cannot believe I thought it was at least three months instead of what it really is. That is nice to know. Edit: I have found the website on my tiny phone. I have no more questions. You are awesome. Thank you again. Your help is much appreciated
  10. M

    Police Certification required?

    Hello, I am new to this forum as well as everything immigration. Hours upon hours of research has resulted in many questions. I apologize if this is in the wrong section, or a silly inquiry, but here I go: As a resident of the united states trying to be sponsored over to Canada by my soon to...