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  1. V

    Post Graduate Work Permit and Spouse Open Work Permit Extension

    I have actually been offered a job there as a CCA. I am an Internationally-Educated Nurse with one year paid work experience. I am currently working as a part-time PSW here in Ontario. What other qualifications do I need? Thank you for your quick response...
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    Post Graduate Work Permit and Spouse Open Work Permit Extension

    I bumped into this post about that dated May 10, 2019... Does it change anything? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-atlantic-immigration-pilot-changes-allow-spouses-of-servers-drivers-to-apply-for-work-permit-1.5131626
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    Post Graduate Work Permit and Spouse Open Work Permit Extension

    Hi, I am studying right now as a PSW in Ontario and I have my wife with me here on an Open Work Permit which expires on Nov. 30 of this year. My program finishes in August and we are planning to move to Nova Scotia right after as I have been offered a job there as a CCA (PSW). My question is...