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Search results

  1. K

    Primary occupation NOC Number + LMIA info

    Hi all, I'll have to give you a little info about my situation before I can ask my questions, please bare with me: I've been working for the same company in Canada since 09/17 and have been pretty much doing the same job, which is running a chocolate store. When I started working there I just...
  2. K

    CRS Score CEC Points

    Hi, hopefully someone here can help me with my question! First off some background info: I've started working for a company in Oct 2017 with a Working Holiday Visa and my boss decided to sponsor me and hired me as a F&B Manager ( NOC 0631, skill type 0) from April 2018 till April 2019 under...
  3. K

    CRS scoring tool and Express Entry score discrepancies

    oh now I see now where my fault was..thank you so much!
  4. K

    CRS scoring tool and Express Entry score discrepancies

    I worked for a year as an F&B Manager (NOC 0631) and wanted to apply under LMIA-exempt job offers-skilled immigrants express entry (see link below) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/documents/offer-employment/lmia-exempt.html The...
  5. K

    CRS scoring tool and Express Entry score discrepancies

    I just submitted my Express Entry Profile and have some missing points compared to the CRS tool system. The CRS tool( see pointing system below) gives me 200 points for a job offer whereas in my Express Entry profile I only get 50 points for arranged Employment and I can't figure out why. I'm...