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    ACCA equivalency through WES!! pls help.

    CAT finalist certificate (after passing exams only) or CAT membership certificate (after showing one year experience as well)?
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    ACCA equivalency through WES!! pls help.

    Thanks man So the order doesnt matter, right? As i did CAT first in 2007 and became a member in 2013.
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    ACCA equivalency through WES!! pls help.

    Can u pls share the evaluation on my email? It will help me a lot! Gal5588@hotmail.com TIA
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    ACCA equivalency through WES!! pls help.

    Has anyone else claimed diploma points for CAT from ACCA? I qualified CAT, then became ACCA Member. I am also about to qualify ICAEW in April through pathways exam. Can I claim double degree points based on CAT and ACCA?