Ok thanks you very much, and please last advice someone told me that cima management level count as 3year equivalent to Canada university degree but I have to start From certificate level to the management level wound that work? Thanks
The bcs certificate is equivalent 1year university program, the City&guild equivalent to 6month vocational skill trade, what shot course can you advice me to do that can give me two or more certificate with my bcs certificate thanks
Non just have my City&guild complete level 2 and my bcs certificate level , so I was thinking of doing cima certificate level and operational level. I dnt no if that we qualify for two or more certificate thanks
Thank you very much sir, I will read and study for the exam, 1 more question due to your experience when you submit it in express entry did they acpt it because am using it for trade skills program under express entry thanks
Hi Aman,
The emerit certificate March with certificate of qualification they request for in trade skills worker, if so how much did you do it and duration of how many months