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  1. R

    Shipping Items to Canada - Best shipping company

    Hi everyone, I am landing in CA next month and would like to send most of my stuff by sea. Does anyone know of the best and cheaping shipping company from London to Canada? Thanks and good day, James
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    Vissas finally ISSUED

    yokototo its so interesting to note that you have been in same boat as myself, - So looks like this senario is kind of common. However, the downside is usually that the visas are realise just a few weeks before your medicals expire. - That means making a quick entray to CA. So please dear...
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    Vissas finally ISSUED

    Thanks every one. The wait has been long and sometimes never breaking, but Thanks be to God he gives the strength to take you thorough. I pray and wish all of you that are waiting a good ending. Zee
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    Vissas finally ISSUED

    Hi Fellers! Finally passports have plus visas have been sent. For those of you who do not recall my story line, The VO decided to do the verification check the day they were to return my passports with visas. I got a call asking me (after the my file had been finalised and asked to drop in...
  5. R

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Visas finally ISSUED ! Hi Fellers! Finally passports have plus visas have been sent. For those of you who do not recall my story line, The VO decided to do the verification check the day they were to return my passports with visas. I got a call asking me (after the my file had been finalised...
  6. R

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked - Finally d Hi Fellers! Finally passports have plus visas have been sent. For those of you who do not recall my story line, The VO decided to do the verification check the day they were to return my passports with visas. I...
  7. R

    Has this happened to anyone - Passport Requested for Visa stampting

    Kasim, This has happend before. I am most certain that the embassy will call you to for your PP just before your medicals expire. Experts, - what do you guys advice? Zee
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    Seniors, - please help - Would London VO refuse my PR if my UK visa had run out

    Kasim, Also as long as you provided yor police certificate to London VO from the UK that should be fine. All the best, James
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    Seniors, - please help - Would London VO refuse my PR if my UK visa had run out

    You are right, I think they will stay have to issue your PR irrespective of that. Hope that helps. James
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    Seniors, - please help - Would London VO refuse my PR if my UK visa had run out

    I have never heard of such a aituation, but , i would thisk there may not be any issue with that. If you are not a british citizen, you may go and land from your home country. That is what i think. Maybe other seniors can advice differently James
  11. R

    Bisdak for Canada!!!!

    Dear Friends, I thought this was an english forum. We who find it very useful would love to here what you all have to share. So please lets still to the foundamental general rules. Thanks, James
  12. R

    London office applicants, anyone recieved PPR in SEP-OCT 2011 ?

    I received my Passport request in July 2011. Sent my passport in and am still waiting for the return.
  13. R

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Hi Jassig, Yeah the visit to london embassy was very easy and straight forward. All they nedded was the file number, Passports, and the family information sheet. No more and no questions. You just have to be there between 3 -4 pm on thursday.
  14. R

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Thanks guys, I have now had the email to go pick up my passport from london. Was a bit worried about the verification checks coming in at the very last stage of the process but i guess it is a normal thing. Tnaks everyone for your advice and responses
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    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Thanks, I am with the london VO. Do you know how long they take to process such?
  16. R

    Verification checks before visas are issued- what exactly is checked

    Many Thanks eveyone What exactly do they check on when doing the verification check? Is it just job/employment issues? Do they ever call your previous employers? Or is it about checking for your crimal history/records, - in which case calling up the police departments of the countries you have...
  17. R

    What are Verification checks??? Please respond

    Elie, In my case the verification checks are being done at the end of the entire process. That is what was suprising me!
  18. R

    What are Verification checks??? Please respond

    Thanks mate! I hope they dont take too long as i dont want to go through the hustle of medicals and police checks! Also, I was kind of ready to do my landing at the end of this month! Cool, like you said, nothing to hide so will wait and see. Hopefully not as long as three months in your case...