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Search results

  1. M

    Received passport request in e-mail but mail doesn't include name of spouse anywhere

    Hi Hitesha. Glad to hear that you got approval from CIC for your express entry profile. I asked CIC and they were saying that on such invitation, they just mention the name of primary applicant and not the dependent. So, I sent my passport for stamping with the page with the barcode to the CIC...
  2. M

    Received passport request in e-mail but mail doesn't include name of spouse anywhere

    Hi there, I received PPR last evening for the file submitted for me and my wife and myself as primary applicant under express entry. The e-mail mentions just my name and not my wife's name. Is it right? Is it normal? Is it fine for me to send the passport to the address mentioned? The mail was...
  3. M

    Submitting medical of spouse for PR

    Hi All, I received an ITA for PR on Canadian Experience Class for me and my wife. My wife just came from India to Canada on spouse open work permit and for that she did her medical back home. Now for the application of Permanent residency, they ask for medical. Does she require to get her...
  4. M

    Spouse Open Work Permit Refusal

    Dear All, I applied for my spouse's open work permit from india on December 27, 2018 and I got a mail stating her application has been rejected on January 25, 2019. Following are the reasons they mentioned: 1. I am not satisfied that you have sufficient funds, including income or assets, to...