The same situation here. The last e-mail i received is from january to inform me that my file has been transfered to visa office. Nothing after that.
3 days before the 12 months.,
Hi guys,
Submitted sponsorship application On 19th july 2018, medical done on january and file transfered to Dakar visa office After that, no Pre Arrival, no Bgc... No news from Dakar visa office.
I'm scarry now
Dakar a ma demande depuis janvier tranferee par ircc. Depuis la aucunes nouvelles. On leur a ecris le mois dernier ils disent avoir bien recu la demande mais attente qu'arrive mon tour pour que l demande soit traitée.
Hello here. Im from july and nothing on my ecas after give them the result of medical request. I received an e-mail on january to inform me that my file has been transfered to my visa office. Notning after this last email. Im scared... Someone in the same case.?