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  1. D

    Definition of "educational institution"

    Thank you scylla! I figured that there couldn't be any big problem, but the long wait is making us very anxious!
  2. D

    Definition of "educational institution"

    Hi everyone, My daughter who is 2 years old and American (we're waiting for permanent residency - I, the sponsor am Canadian citizen) is going to daycare 3 days a week. My wife is now worried that a daycare might be defined as an educational institution, which my daughter and wife are be...
  3. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you, we were aware of the fact that she wouldn't qualify for an OWP, I don't know why I brought it up again... We did have another question; we have most of my wife's belonging in a storage unit close to the border, and would like to bring at least a few things over / ideally move all of...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Hi there, We sent in our (2nd) application for sponsorship for my American wife and daughter at the beginning of March and are now of course worried as to how long everything is going to take with the pandemic going on etc. as everyone in a similar situation on this forum... It is good to know...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you Eveslm, We did find information on the Immigration Canada Website stating that sponsored spouses / children cannot be inadmissible because of health issues, and Marfan is definitely not a huge burden on the health care system, especially with the mild case my wife has and the...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Hi, we're finally getting to the last steps before sending in our application, and have a few smaller and a bigger question; 1) My wife (Principal applicant has been living with me (sponsor) as a visitor since October. We will apply outland as because of the nature of my work we are not always...
  7. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    I understood the same. As I had problems caused by my absences for work with the first application, I am just concerned to do it right this time... I will say that we do live together (which is true, and I even realized that we have the two documents of proof required) but still provide the...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Thanks DiiDii, I know this is not really straightforward... I'm sorry for the confusion. Because of my work, I cannot apply inland as it requires that we physically co-habit for the whole duration of the process. But I have to leave for periods of up to 8 weeks for work. So we will apply...
  9. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    Hi, I'm in the last steps of completing our sponsorship application and have two questions. 1.) Do we need to re-apply for the background check? My partner (principal applicant) applied for one last year already. When we applied for sponsorship the first time, the background check on her was...
  10. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you! We will apply outland.
  11. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you, we will do so. A little bummer that we won't be able to apply for an open work permit at the same time, but I'm confident that my family will be able to live with me in Canada during the processing of our application.
  12. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    I am working for a Canadian (Quebec) company and am considered to be present in Quebec for tax purposes etc. while I'm onboard my Canadian flagged vessel. Even if we my vessel goes to a few American ports. But I see that it might be safer to go for the outland application...
  13. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    I do want to double-check this, but am very thankful for this advice. Thank you very much!
  14. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    I was born outside Canada (citizenship by descent), so our daughter is unfortunately not Canadian. I never read that we would have to stay together for the entire period, i.e. that leave for work was not permitted. We will be living together throughout the entire process, I will not have another...
  15. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    Hi, I (sponsor, Canadian citizen) have applied to sponsor my partner and our daughter in April of last year. Because I'm a sailor (gone +6 months / year) and we were not married, and I had no resident status in her country (United States) we applied under the conjugal category and our...
  16. D

    Under which category to apply for extension of stay?

    Thank you very much @bongoman I will make sure to talk to a border agent or call IRCC before the expiry date. We will apply to extend our stay as visitors today.
  17. D

    Under which category to apply for extension of stay?

    I guess so. Nothing on the visitor record says anything special (like temporary resident or something similar). It states that my partner cannot study, work or receive any benefits etc. and that she has to leave in February. It also states that she has to surrender the visitor record on...
  18. D

    Under which category to apply for extension of stay?

    They have been in Canada since October. We applied for sponsorship in April under the wrong category (conjugual - because I'm a sailor I'm gone for periods of 6-8 weeks at a time and understood that the common-law category didn't apply for us). I brought my little family over from the states...
  19. D

    Under which category to apply for extension of stay?

    Hi, I'm a canadian citizen living in Québec, and my family (Partner and daugther) are in Canada on a Temporary Resident Permit since October. We intended to be married by now and have our Sponsorship application in, but that hasn't happened yet. We would now like to apply for an extension of...
  20. D

    When can we move?

    Then I will never meet the common-law definition as I will always have to work for about 6 months a year... We've been talking about marriage, I guess we will expedite that process! Thanks!