Sir, so u mean i dont need canadian visa on my passport becouse im not citizen of canada and i don't have canadian passport thats why i confusd do i need new visa or not ? Just pr card is not enough ?
I have landing in Canada 2 months ago and i got my PR card just 1 week ago, now i want to go back to my country be cause of work arjent work, and the old visa has been expired should i get a new visa from immigration visa office ?
Pls some one help me..
Ppr 20 may 2019
Passports submitted 28 may 2019
Passports under process in IRCC office 29 may
When i tracking my status onlion its still shows under process 30 days passed from submitted now what should i do pls suggest me ?
Hi, every one in 15 may, 2019 my ( ecas ) onlion application status also changed in process to decision made pls tell me about ur update any one of u got ppr in how long days ?
Hi, yes my parents security verfication were completed in 30 april 2019, and remdical request nd done in 9th may 2019.
Today i checked my ecas, my onlion application status its changed from in process to decision made still waiting for ppr.
Hi, Any one could help me my application is parents and grand parents if i crossed the normal time which is 20 to 24 months for parents what should i do now ?? pls anyone have experince ?
Hi, My parents eligibilty nd crminilty nd medical pass nd valid untill december 2, 2019
but my parents medical expired in 23 March 2019.
and my parents security initiated in june 2018 still its in process so we are round 10 months in security verifications..?? u think in which stage my...
and i got email in july 2018 they initiated my parents security verifications in june 2018 but still in process than we are 10 months in security verifictions.
The security verifications have been initiated for all the other applicants.