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Search results

  1. M

    ****January 2020 - Inland Spousal PR + OWP****

    I think you must pass a medical before you get owp. As everyone knows med exams are not being done
  2. M

    Inland application info needed

    Help. My common law partner will come to canada as a visitor for 6 months (with a return ticket and approved eTA) We wish to do an inland application cause we dont want him to have to go for an interview outside of Canada. Can I apply for inland even if his status here is as a visitor? Can his...
  3. M

    imm 5710 intended work

    Hi sponsoring my spouse in canada and also applying for and open work pemit at the same time. Small issue with intended work section, questions 2,3,4 and 5. How do I fill them out? He doesnt have any prospective employers or job offers yet. Ive heard you cant validate the form if you havent...
  4. M

    sponsoring my common law partner

    Hi, I'll take this one at a time cause I have tons of questions. First of all, I will be my spouse's representative for all his applications. Sponsorship, work permit and permanent residency. Do I have to fill out a seperate use of representative form for each application?