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  1. Bbampoe

    To Upload or Not to Upload Documents

    Sent thank you
  2. Bbampoe

    To Upload or Not to Upload Documents

    I have tried several to send them webform but am unable to send. After filling everything when I click on next to enable me go to the next page to attach the documents it doesn’t respond
  3. Bbampoe

    To Upload or Not to Upload Documents

  4. Bbampoe

    To Upload or Not to Upload Documents

    After submitting the documents there was no place to sign
  5. Bbampoe

    To Upload or Not to Upload Documents

    I need help to submit an additional documents in IRCC. I submitted it through IRCC portal account as requested but the status is still showing action is needed. Please I need help how to submit it
  6. Bbampoe

    Super Visa 2022

    this is very clear thank you very much
  7. Bbampoe

    Super Visa 2022

    provide a minimum of $100,000 emergency coverage. Can someone explain this concerning the Health Insurance for me because am confused
  8. Bbampoe

    Super Visa 2022

    How much did you pay