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  1. Y

    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    I would appreciate a referral in New Brunswick; does anybody know approximately how much this would cost? Are we dealing in the hundreds or the thousands of dollars to appeal it - is payment typically only based upon results, and is there any chance (I'm dreaming now) that the Federal government...
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    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    The PDF is useful, I'm going to print it out and highlight relevant portions and bring it with me when I approach the local lawyer (who has no immigration experience), other than a copy of the A44 and the typed description of events by both my fiance and I, is there anything else I should be...
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    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    Living in a small rural community, a lawyer is not easily found - but do you mean an American lawyer or a Canadian lawyer?
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    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    It actually didn't become heated at all, we were asked to come inside, and were immediately told that they were seeking an A44 Exclusion Order barring her from the country, as she sobbed on a chair, I asked why they were unable to simply deny entry or demand a cash deposit to ensure her December...
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    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    Issued an A44 Exclusion Order barring her from entry to Canada for one year.
  6. Y

    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    She maintained her leased house, with all furniture and amenities, in the United States - she really was just visiting, not living in Canada. She visited for a day or two at a time through the year, up until September, when she made it clear she was going to visit for 3-4 months, with 2-3 months...
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    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    I understand she doesn't have a right to enter, but I feel she likely does have a right not to be unfairly barred...it's the exclusion order that gets my goat...if they'd just turned her back and told her she's spending too much time, or needs more money, or whatever to enter it's understandable...
  8. Y

    Right to appeal an exclusion order?

    My fiance has been visiting me in Canada for about ten weeks, which we have explained to the CBSA numerous times as we cross the border on a regular basis, either to travel back to her (rented) house in the United States, or to do weekly shopping excursions, etc. (She is an American Citizen, I...