I doubt that... If it was executive, the article before the space will be "an" i.e
an executive not a executive. I think it something like a specialist or professional based on the passage I cannot remember the actual it is at the moment.
No. The answer they shared is DCAB... Their option has D. I guess that's where the difference in the questions came from. Please check again..
D connotes. "neither of them"...
First, can you remind me of the question for media? Trying to rack my brain...
No 4. The answer is actually basket ball, the man said games like football but the woman said he kids love basketball...
My answer for map is
Yes interruption... But the technical is quite tricky as there was no problem with the recorder, but he forgot to press the button to record. He stated he could not use the data
In my opinion, the recorder could be used just that he forgot to press the recording Burton... That's very tricky anyways, let's wait for results... All the best to us...
I don't think the answer was technical error..Ben said he forgot to press the recording, so we can't categorise that as technical error... There was another option of "data cannot be used"