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    May 2018 - Citizenship Applicants

    Hi, I have the same question. Did you finally bring the photocopies of your passports or the original was enough? Thanks in advance for your reply.
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    Hi, Have they sent your file number as well? When will they send the file number then?
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    QSW Work Experience points calculation

    Hi Everyone, Sorry for my panic! I guess I have found the answer to my question. The rule according to QSW site is as below: Recognized experience ***** The work experience by a skilled worker candidate must have been acquired: •in the five years preceding the date of submission of an...
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    QSW Work Experience points calculation

    Dear Forumers, I have applied for Quebec Skilled Worker immigration visa. I am an electrical engineer and my area of training is in section E. My question is about my work experience which is more than 7 years in the field of electrical engineering. Today, I've heard that the only work...
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    Hi, Sorry but I made a mistake entering my info! I don't know what came up! I have sent our docs on 20th of October and I have applied for Quebec Skilled worker. Please update me and sorry for mix-up. Regards, ANAZ.
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    Hi, You can add me to the list also. I sent our documents to DAMASCUS on 20th of April. I haven't received any AOR yet. What is second AOR anyway? Regards, ANAZ.
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    What is the AOR email like?

    Dear Coolguy, Thanks a lot for your help. ANAZ.
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    What is the AOR email like?

    Dear all, Can you tell me how is AOR email? I’m afraid that I receive the AOR email and I don’t recognize it, or worse, it goes to my spam and I don’t see it at all! :-X Can you tell me what is the subject of AOR email, what is the sender's email address, and if it goes to spam? Thanks a lot. ANAZ.
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    what to do after sending application form

    Hi Newer, Tell me what is NOC? If it is a limit for each year, I don't think you have to resend your docs as it wasn't mentioned in the immigration notes. The only bad impact might be postpone in process of cases. Be possitive.
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    what to do after sending application form

    Hello everyone, What is "the limit to the NOC"? Is it about Federal or QSW? Besides, is there any way to figure out which documnts are being processed now? Has any April applicant received file number?
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    October 2010 Quebec Applicant

    Hi, My case is: Age: 30 Married with a 10 month old daugther. 5 years experience in Electrical Eng. with MS degree in that as well. Advanced in Engish and attend French classes. Good luck with your re-send of documents. Regards.
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    what to do after sending application form

    Hello Newer, When have you applied? I sent my docs on Oct. 2010. What about you? Have you applied for Quebec or Federal? regards, ANAZ.
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    October 2010 Quebec Applicant

    Dear Friends, I'm new to this forum and I don't know where I can share my status with other October applicants. Let's start this thread for Oct. 2010 Quebec skilled applicants. If you belong to this group come and join me. Regards, ANAZ.