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    Name Split on Indian Passport

    Awesome! thanks bud!
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    Name Split in Passport, COPR and PR Card

    thank you so much for putting my mind to ease!
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    Urgent: No last name

    Thank you so much! Appreciate your help on this:)
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    Urgent: No last name

    Thanks for the swift reply. I am just trying to find someone with exp with Air Canada. As per their suggestion I booked ticket like Xxxxxyyyyy Lnu (Notice no space between xxxx and yyyy as aur canada doesn’t allow space in first name) So just checking here if someone had something like this...
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    Name Split in Passport, COPR and PR Card

    Hey All, please help. Is there anyone here who has traveled to canada who had blank last name on passport? How did you book the ticket/how your name was printed on the ticket? Did airport security guy/airlines staff/immigration gave any trouble? My passport- First name: Xxxx Yyyy Last name: blank
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    Urgent: No last name

    Anyone recently traveled from India with blank last name situation? What did you put while booking tickets? Any help is much appreciated. My situation- Passport: First Name: Xxxx Yyyy Last name: blank thanks
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    Name Split on Indian Passport

    Thanks for your prompt reply, really appre. Air canada asked me to put Lnu ( Last name unknown) in last name while booking ticket. This is how my passport is: First Name: Abc Xyz Last Name: blank and the ticket is: Abcxyz Lnu notice no space between Abc and Xyz as Air Canada system does not...
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    Name Split on Indian Passport

    @Gurindar Hi Gurinder, Thank much for such a detailed explanation. I do have a question about your travel to Canada for the first time. Since you did not have your last name, how the name was written on your visa and how did you book (putting a first name and last name while booking the ticket)...
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    PGWP Extension

    It took two months. Again, it depends on what month of the year you are applying. Fall is the busiest.
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    Indian Passport with validity less than 6 months

    You just have to get a new passport that's it. Rest of the documents with old passport is still valid. Most of the people staple old passport with the new one so that all the docs are together.
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    Indian Passport with validity less than 6 months

    Canada isn’t a problem, India is. They most probably won’t allow them to leave unless passport is valid for 6 months. Sometimes you get away with it, most times you dont!
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    Student. Everything exactly the same as the first time.
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    Extension of post graduate work permit procedure after passport renewal

    Yes. Fill it as if you are filling it for the very first time.
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    Extension of post graduate work permit procedure after passport renewal

    You should create one pdf with the scan (camera pic) copy of old passport + its observatory pages and new passport. Then upload it to the place where it asks to upload the passport.
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    LOE is where you explain your situation. Not too elaborate. Just thay your passport was expiring on this day and you got permit for the same. Now you have your passport extended you need the remaining period of pgwp granted to you. Add the doc numbers of old passport, pgwp and new passport...
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    I just got my PGWP extended! Initially, my PGWP was given for 9 months because of my old passport validity. I renewed my passport in Canada and applied for PGWP extension ONLINE. I filled the form exactly the same way as I did when I applied PGWP for the first time but I did attach a letter of...
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    Extension of post graduate work permit procedure after passport renewal

    "Issued to passport validity" was the remark. in my opinion, as long as you have valid explanation letter attached it should be good to go.
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    PGWP Extension

    I just got my PGWP extended! Initially, my PGWP was given for 9 months because of my old passport validity. I renewed my passport in Canada and applied for PGWP extension ONLINE. I filled the form exactly the same way as I did when I applied PGWP for the first time but I did attach a letter of...
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    Extension of post graduate work permit procedure after passport renewal

    I just got my PGWP extended! Initially, my PGWP was given for 9 months because of my old passport validity. I renewed my passport in Canada and applied for PGWP extension online. I filled the form exactly the same way as I did when I applied PGWP for the first time but I did attach a letter of...