I have a question if you can help .
On my Oath invitation i have blank i need to fill it says { Group number } could someone tell me how to know that number ? Or are they gonna fill it ?
Hey everyone ,
Could someone tell me what do we need to take to the Oath ceremony?
And if i will take all the original documents i added to my application are they gonna take another look at everything again , like an interview or what ?
Thank you .
Anyone has news from Montreal for Oath invitations . I had decision made since the beginning of May still no invite and my test was April 18 . Cant wait anymore .
Hey everyone
I am a November2017 applicant in Montreal , did my exam April17 , got decision made May 3 , but still has nothing for Oath .
Did any November applicant who are in Montreal got an invitation for the Oath ceremony ?
Please let me know .
Hey everyone
It is a November applicant.
I did my citizenship test on April 19 and passed 20/20 .
The interview went well and after two weeks i got “Decision Made “ on my application .
Is that a positive thing or not ?
Because there was no change on the application still having the last thing...